
Everyone Included, December 2021

Ummeed Child Development Center supported the United Nations’ theme for this year’s International Day for Persons with Disabilities Day and Month: #EveryoneIncluded - Leadership and participation of children and young persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.

As a part of the campaign, 7 self advocates showcased their leadership and participation story through trendy instagram reel like formats that use popular songs.

The 7 videos were a culmination of each self advocate externalising their emotions through curating their own story, using archival pictures and footage and picking popular songs as background music that best represent their personality.

These reels which featured three autistic self advocates, a young adult with hearing impairment, a cerebral palsy self advocate, a cafe run by people with developmental disabilities and a young adult with muscular dystrophy -were seen trending amongst popular influencer content on Instagram and other social media handles because of their entertaining format and candid insight through archival footage.


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