

Financial Year


children received direct clinical services


caregivers trained on rights, resources and skills


professionals (including doctors, therapists, teachers, community workers) trained


people reached through awareness events and campaigns

Till date


children received direct clinical services.


caregivers trained on rights, resources and skills


professionals (including doctors, therapists, teachers, community workers) trained


Indirectly reached children and families over the years


children supported directly through the clinic


children supported indirectly through the work of
our trainees


of children received services at Ummeed between
the age of 0-6 years (early intervention leads to better


of sessions provided at the clinic are concessional


Deepak (name changed) is an 8-year-old child in Mumbai, with autism. In addition to receiving autism intervention services at Ummeed, Deepak was also referred to Ummeed’s Occupational Therapy team to improve his play and engagement skills. His mother was concerned about her son's persistent mouthing behaviour, a common sensory coping mechanism for children with autism. It is important to note that even typically developing children mouth objects as a normal part of sensory exploration of taste, touch, and smell, but soon outgrow it. However, some children with sensory processing difficulties, such as children with autism, persist with this behaviour when they feel a sensory overload. This behaviour posed a health risk as Deepak would put unsanitary or unhealthy objects in his mouth, potentially leading to internal injuries.

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caregivers received mental health and social work support at Ummeed


caregivers accessed leisure opportunities like Fursat
Mein Newsletter


caregivers participated in Support Groups


caregivers participated in various trainings including training on rights and resources


Priti (name changed) aged 5 years, lives in Mumbai with her parents. She was diagnosed with Global Development Delay** along with mild visual impairment and a history of seizures. Despite receiving the diagnosis elsewhere, Priti’s parents wanted to start her therapy services at Ummeed. She was first seen by a developmental pediatrician at Ummeed, who recommended some hearing and visual tests to chart out her intervention plan. **when a child typically presents with a delay in multiple developmental areas such as speech and language, social, cognition, play and motor skills.

Priti’s parents were immediately referred to Imon, a social worker at Ummeed. At subsequent meetings with Priti’s mother, Imon explained the process of receiving therapy services at Ummeed, such as waitlists, appointments, payment, etc. Since Priti had been receiving some therapy services before Ummeed, her parents were slightly more aware than the parents of a newly diagnosed child. However, they had difficulty in understanding the relevance of conducting the tests recommended by Ummeed’s developmental pediatrician – such as the hearing examination BERA (Brain Evoked Response Auditory), and optical tests like VEP (Visual Evoked Potential) and a pediatric ophthalmic review. Ummeed’s social worker, addressed their queries and explained the process of conducting all three tests and also the ways in which the test results will help in a better planning of Priti’s treatment.

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professionals trained through 35+ sensitization workshops


professionals trained through 30+ skill building trainings


professionals trained through 18+ long-term trainings


students reached through university collaborations (e.g., Azim Premji University)


interns and observers from DY Patil, Navi Mumbai; Ali Yavar Jung Institute, Mumbai; TISS, Mumbai; Manipal University, Manipal; Ramnarain Ruia college, Mumbai to name a few

Support to partners in 5 regions (Hyderabad, Jalgaon, Guwahati +, Pune and Kashmir) towards building local inclusive ecosystems


Dr. Ekta Agarwal is a pediatric neurologist in Jamshedpur, India, who specializes in working with children with autism, ADHD and other developmental delays/disabilities. She started her medical practice in 2019, offering a range of therapies, including occupational therapy, speech therapy, sensory integration and special education services. She saw an average of 50-60 children each month and most of them were between 2 and 5 years old. Dr. Agarwal was motivated to improve her practice after recognizing the limited options for therapy and diagnosis for children with developmental disabilities in her city. She learned about Ummeed through a colleague and attended ECHO Autism and ECHO ADHD. She got to know about the Autism Intervention Training Program (AITP) which she applied for – and was selected for the AITP Batch 7 (2022).

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subscribers across platforms

~0.5+ million (views)

people reached through Developmental Disabilities India YouTube channel, social media, print media, visual media and awareness events and campaigns


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