
Fellowship Programs

Ummeed's Fellowship Programs are developed around a “learning and doing model”. They offer professionals who want to learn deep skills in an area, a hands-on space for learning, observing and practicing, while offering sustained support, supervision and mentorship. The Fellows gain experience by observing, attending and assessing clinical therapies or inclusive teaching practices and implementing these learned strategies in real-time situations across clinical and school settings.

Developmental and Behavioural
Pediatric Fellowship (Indian Academy
of Pediatrics – IAP)

This structured one-year long training program
involves getting a detailed understanding of typical child
development and common developmental difficulties in
children across different age groups like Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD), Learning Disorder, Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Genetic
syndromes, etc.

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Ummeed Inclusion Fellowship
Program (UIFP)

The Ummeed Inclusion Fellowship Program (UIFP) is
an immersive two-year experience during which “School
Inclusion Fellows” are selected from a pool of applicants,
trained and placed in different under-resourced schools
(currently Mumbai)–dedicated to creating school
ecosystems where all children, including children with
disabilities, can thrive and not just survive.

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