
Developmental and Behavioural Pediatric Fellowship (Indian Academy of Pediatrics – IAP)

Upcoming Workshop Dates :

Duration : Long Term

Language : English

Who can apply : Doctors who have completed their M.D. Pediatrics or D.N.B. Pediatrics or DCh (Diploma in Child Health)

Course Overview

This structured one-year long training program involves getting a detailed understanding of typical child development and common developmental difficulties in children across different age groups like Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Genetic syndromes, etc. The program involves lectures, group discussions and hands on clinical training with graded supervision.

The Fellows are trained to understand patterns of developmental difficulties and conduct comprehensive developmental assessments (through detailed history and formal assessment tools) to arrive at a diagnosis. The management plan is then made along with the family to help the child reach their maximum potential.

During the training, there are many opportunities to work with and learn from a multidisciplinary team comprising occupational therapists, autism intervention therapists, speech therapists, mental health professionals, remedial educators and others.
For more information on the Fellowship, for candidates who wish to apply, the information is available on when the Fellowship dates are announced.


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