
Family Resource Center

Community Workers

Diagnosis of a child’s disability changes the whole world for the family. Families of children with disability need support, information and guidance. There is also a feeling of being isolated and alone. At such times, connecting with other families who have been through the same journey brings a sense of relief and hope.

At the Family Resource Center (FRC), we believe that families of children with disabilities are experts of their own lives and can support each other with their experience and expertise in ways that professionals cannot.

The Family Resource Center is a space ‘for families and by families’ where families of children with disabilities can connect with other families like themselves to:

  • Freely share their questions, concerns and challenges
  • Get guidance and support from other families who have been on the journey before
  • Seek and share information on available help and resources
  • Join a support group of families
  • Learn about disability rights and advocate for themselves.
  • Explore fun and leisure spaces for their children and themselves
  • Get the opportunity to share their experience and expertise with other families

How We Work

Community Workers

1. Disability Booklets

Addressing common questions of newly diagnosed families, these disability specific booklets guide families on understanding the disability, knowing interventions that help and how they can support their child at home. These are available in English and Hindi.

Know AutismKnow ADHDKnow LD

2. Meet the Expert Webinar Series

A webinar series that aims to make expert advice more accessible. A panel of a medical expert, a parent expert and a self-advocate discuss and answer frequently asked questions by families on topics related to developmental disabilities. The objective is to build awareness and present a multi-dimensional perspective to enable better understanding and support for persons with disability.

3. Speak to a Parent Expert

Parents build rich expertise through their lived experience. If you require help on a specific issue, contact the FRC team to connect you to a parent expert who has the necessary knowledge and expertise and can guide you on the same.

Community Workers

1. One-on-One Support

FRC team provides one-on-one support to families to hear them out, reassure them and help them in recognizing their strengths and abilities to navigate the road ahead.

2. Parent Support Groups

These are fun-filled, leisurely, safe sharing spaces for caregivers of children with disabilities to connect with a larger community of caregivers, share stories, learn from each other and come together to celebrate. These groups meet monthly -- virtually or in-person.

  • Tea and Talk Support Group for families more comfortable in English – Meets First Saturday of every month
  • Walk-in Family Support Group for families more comfortable in Hindi – Meets Third Saturday of every month

3. Fun and Leisure


A monthly session where caregivers take out time for their own enjoyment and indulge in crafts, creative and self-care activities. Past sessions have included crochet, jewellery making, macrame planters and wall hangings.

Hobby Classes

To bridge the gap of a lack of hobby classes in the city that cater specifically to children with disabilities. Current hobby classes available:

  • Shiamak Davar Dance Class – Every Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Fursat Mein

A free monthly newsletter for respite and recreation that also supports mental health through art and craft activities and inspirational stories of other caregivers. This newsletter is available as a printed copy as well as by email.

Family Day

An annual carnival for fun and enjoyment for family and friends. Held in December to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Community Workers

1. Know Your Rights (KYR) Workshop

An awareness building workshop to inform families about the rights of persons with disability. It also shares special provisions, and concessions available in different areas like health, education, travel, income tax, etc. A separate KYR workshop focuses specifically on training and assisting families in the process of making a Unique Disability Identity (UDID) card.

2. KYR – UDID Support

Participants of KYR workshops who need additional support in the UDID process can join the UDID support group. This group is mentored by parent volunteers.

3. RAISE (Rights and Approaches for Inclusive School Experience)

Schooling can be a tough phase for both parents and children. Parents can play an important role here and influence how their child with disabilities can be supported in school. The RAISE workshop aims to empower parents with knowledge of children’s rights and guidelines on inclusive practices at school. The workshop shares tips and strategies that have been used successfully by other families and helps parents to build a positive partnership with the school.

4. Platform for families to share their stories, experience and expertise.

A. Parent speakers in Ummeed Trainings and Events

B. Participation in external events

Community Workers

Hamari Ummeed – Stories of Families

We believe that families can learn from and take inspiration from each other by sharing their stories. Happy Reading!

In conversation with…


Seema’s daughter Nehal (23 years) was diagnosed with Autism at an early age. Seema shares her journey with her daughter and how everyone in her family pitched in to support Nehal. She also shares how paucity of information on Auti...

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Pushpa is mother to 32 year-old Sachit Subramanian, who was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. Pushpa shares with us her journey of how she supported her son and how she helped to form an active community of families with children wi...

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“Some moments of life you need just to be alone and talk to yourself. Ask yourself some questions that others
cannot answer.” Kishor Mandle, Tanav's father

“Everyone enjoys sports, but we get so caught up in work and our children that we forget about sports.”
Shital Gala, Sanket’s mother

Community Workers

Be a Part of FRC

If you are a family member of a person with disability or self-advocate and would like to be a part of the FRC, you could do that in any of the following ways:

  • You have a skill and/or experience to share that you would like to share with other families
  • You have experience in accessing rights and concessions for your child
  • You are willing to devote some time to guide and mentor other families
  • You can take a hobby session (in any area) for children and/or caregivers
  • You can give some time to assist in ongoing FRC activities

I would like to be a part of FRC


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