Community Workers

Ummeed piloted its first training program in 2004-05. Over the years, Ummeed’s training programs have continued to expand and evolve in response to the diverse needs of different stakeholders that children with and at risk of disabilities are likely to come into contact with – Individuals (caregivers; professionals including doctors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, autism intervention specialists, counsellors, educators including teachers, special educators’; community workers; students) and organizations (including non-profits, community-based organizations and schools) – all of which form an essential part of the child’s immediate, intermediate and distant ecosystems.

The programs focus not just on building technical skills and learning about evidence based culturally relevant practices, but also to shift attitudes (e.g., family-centered care, strengths-based approaches, biopsychosocial model, academic as well as social inclusion, participation and self-advocacy). Medical professionals are trained in early identification and intervention while caregivers are trained to better understand and respond to the child’s needs and well-being within the home. Outside of the home, since a child spends a significant amount of time at school, Ummeed works with teachers and school staff to create awareness, knowledge, skills and resources to practice inclusivity in classrooms and respond to the diverse needs of different children.

Types of Training Courses

Short-Term Trainings

which range from half a day to three days

Long-Term Training Programs

range from three-months to one-year and include components of didactic teaching as well as supervision and mentoring

Community of Practice

is the coming together of a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better collectively through regular interactions.

ECHO Training Programs

Ummeed offers training programs that range from three months to six months using

Fellowship Programs

offered by Ummeed range from a year to two years. Fellowship Programs are developed around a “learning and doing model"


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