
Short-Term Trainings

These trainings range from half a day to three days and are categorized as “Skill Building trainings” or “Sensitization workshops”

Skill Building trainings aim to develop “specific skills” of therapists, doctors, professionals, teachers, community workers, in supporting children with developmental disabilities (including those at risk) and their families.

Examples include “Writing Made Easy”, “Playing Made Easy”, “Behaviour Management for Professionals Working with Children with Autism”, “Working with Children and Families Using Narrative Ideas and Practices”, etc.
Please click here to view the details of the training courses.

Sensitization workshops aim to create awareness about developmental disabilities, mental health, family-centered care, school inclusion, early childhood development and other related topics. These are also offered to a diversity of audiences, including therapists, doctors, professionals, teachers and community workers.

Examples include “Know your Rights”, “RAISE – Rights
and Approaches for Inclusive School Experiences for
Professionals”, “Exploring Inclusion and Inclusive Education”,
“Meet the Expert”, etc. Please click here to view the details of
the trainings courses.


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