The Autism Intervention Services team at Ummeed is focused on working with families and children with autism addressing the core deficits of autism and helping them participate in society to the best to their ability.
The therapist establishes the child’s specific challenges and relative areas of strength through:
Play-based observations (The therapist interacts with the child in a play based way)
Observations of patterns of interaction between child and his or her environment
Parent interviews to understand about the child in other environments like school and home
Assessment Focus
Children with autism generally experience difficulties with:
Receptive and expressive communication
Social interaction
Unusual sensory responses
Difficulty in regulation (behaviour and emotion)
The assessment examines how these factors impact a child’s communication, social interaction, play skills and behaviours.
The therapist
Establishes the child’s areas of strength and relative areas of challenges.
Works with the family to create a tailored plan (goals), known as the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
Therapy Details
Ummeed has a unique team of professionals devoted to providing services for children and families with autism.
The Autism Intervention team has the following menu of clinical services: 1) In-person ongoing individual session 2) In-person individual consult 3) Online ongoing consult session 4) Dyads and group sessions
Features of Autism Intervention include
Use of different strategies based on a child’s need, providing evidence-based intervention which includes Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Intervention (NDBI), TEACCH and elements of ABA.
Intervention Model
An eight-week on-off model, meaning ongoing sessions for 8 consecutive weeks followed by a break of 8 weeks where parents will practise and implement strategies observed and learned during therapy sessions.
Parent Training
Ummeed Parent Program for Autism (UPPA) is parent-mediated program which includes group teaching sessions and individual coaching sessions to help parents support their child's engagement, social communication and play skills.