

Community Workers

Consultation with
a Developmental Pediatrician

The developmental pediatricians at Ummeed use a family-centered, strengths-based approach to understand a child’s strengths and challenges in different developmental domains (motor, communication, social, play, self-help skills and academics). They also understand the caregiver’s strengths, priorities and areas where they need support.

Prepare Yourself

  • Have all medical records of the child ready.
  • Bring documentation from any previous developmental assessments.

Prepare Your Child

Children 3 years and above might be concerned or anxious about meeting a doctor. Parents can tell their children that this is a doctor with whom they can play with and talk to, and who will help clarify where the child might need help.

Assessment and Diagnosis

During the first visit, the developmental pediatrician will understand the family’s concerns, evaluate the child’s development in all areas along with identifying the factors in the environment and family which may be influencing it.

The evaluation usually consists of

  • An interview with the caregivers and the child.
  • Observation of the child and informal activity/play-based assessment.
  • Medical and neurological examination to address any underlying neurological, genetic, metabolic or chronic medical condition.
  • Drawing up a developmental profile and arriving at a diagnosis.
Community Workers

Next Steps

After the evaluation, the developmental pediatrician will discuss the child’s strengths, challenges, and diagnosis with the family and understand their needs. The plan for the next steps to support the child is then made in collaboration with the caregivers.
Next Steps include:


Investigations and formal evaluations if needed.

Formal evaluations such as Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2), Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), Bayley Scale of Infant and Toddler Development-Edition 4 (BSID-4) are planned if needed.


Strategies that can be implemented by the caregivers at home.


Intervention services and therapies both at Ummeed and outside:

The developmental pediatrician along with a social worker from Ummeed helps in coordinating and assisting families in understanding and navigating the larger intervention system and to ensure that they receive appropriate care and services.


Medications if required

Periodic follow-ups with a developmental pediatrician helps caregivers understand how their child is developing and the role of supportive factors and barriers to development.

A follow up session ensures regular monitoring of child development, ongoing progress, child and caregiver wellbeing, identifying new concerns that come up and planning interventions as needed.

Modifications and additions to the intervention plan are made collaboratively with the caregivers and the children keeping their priorities in mind.

Community Workers

Early Childhood Development
(ECD) Clinic

The early years are important for a child's development; supporting them in these years will help all children thrive. The ECD clinic is offered for all children between between 0-2 years, including those at risk for developmental difficulties due to factors such as -

  • Birth related conditions like prematurity, low-birth weight, extended NICU stay
  • Medical conditions like undernutrition, seizures, genetic syndromes
  • Psychosocial factors within the family, illnesses, stressful family situations
  • Having a sibling with a developmental difficulty
  • Adopted child

Ummeed Parent Program for Autism (UPPA) is parent-mediated program which includes group teaching sessions and individual coaching sessions to help parents support their child's engagement, social communication and play skills.





Child and



Family Resources
and Support Groups

The Team

Dr Manisha Mukhija

Dr. Manisha Mukhija

Dr Roopa Srinivasan

Dr. Roopa Srinivasan

Dr. Ashwini Marathe

Dr. Ashwini Marathe

Dr. Fernaz Dotiwala

Dr. Fernaz Dotiwala

Dr. Leera Lobo

Dr. Leera Lobo

Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy

Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy

Dr. Koyeli Sengupta

Dr. Koyeli Sengupta

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