
Occupational Therapy
and Physiotherapy

Community Workers

Occupational Therapy promotes the health and well-being of individuals by enabling their participation in occupations that are meaningful for them.

Pediatric physiotherapy is a service provided by physiotherapists (PTs) who work with children and their families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school and community environments.

At Ummeed, the OTs and PTs work together as a single unit and contribute their expertise in helping children/youth with developmental disabilities participate in three major areas :

  • Self-care : Activities of daily living like eating, drinking, toileting, dressing, etc
  • Productivity : Play and schooling-related activities
  • Leisure

About our work :

  • The clinical and training services offered are agnostic to diagnoses.
  • The team works to support children/young adults with developmental disabilities to reach their goals around fitness, functioning, fun, friends, family and future.
  • The focus of clinical and training services is not just on developing a child’s skills but also on bringing modifications in the occupations as well as the environment in which they are supposed to perform them.

The highlights of OTPT team at Ummeed

Community Workers

Individual Sessions

  • The OTPT team uses information from the parental report, and formal and informal assessment tools to assess the child’s strengths and areas that may need support. In addition, they also perform environmental assessments to identify supports and barriers that influence the child’s participation.
  • The assessment is followed by curating a customized family- centered therapy plan for each child in collaboration with the child's care team.
  • The therapy sessions are child-driven and play-based to help children achieve their maximum potential.
  • The therapists use multiple Frames of Reference like biomechanical, cognitive, behavioural, neurodevelopmental, sensory integration, play-based, biopsychosocial, etc.

Dyad/Group Sessions

The OTPT team conducts group therapy programs for children with various diagnoses where every group is hosted by
two therapists (therapist-child ratio-1:3). The team runs both online as well as offline group therapy programs.

Prewriting / Letter
writing Dyad/Group

A fun-based dyad/group consisting of minimum of two children that focuses on acquiring prewriting/letter writing skills. The parent coaching components within the sessions target building knowledge and skills for caregiver to support participation of children at home.

Mealtimes Made Easy

This group focuses on making mealtimes easier and happier for children with motor difficulties and their caregivers. It provides caregivers with knowledge and quick strategies to bring changes in the home environment to support the child's mealtimes.

Fun Club

The Fun Club is a diverse and inclusive space for children and young adults to explore leisure in ways that make sense for them. The OT-PT team conducts these fun clubs with the Mental Health Services team.

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Community Workers
Community Workers

School Visits

We provide school-based visits and work along with educators and families to encourage the successful participation of children in the school environment. These services are provided along with the Social Worker Team and/or other members of the care team.

Home Visits

We provide home visits for children to assess their home environment and provide them with strategies to enable participation at home. These services are provided along with the Social Worker Team and/ or other members of the care team.

Parent Trainings

Currently, all the trainings run by the OTPT team are online.

The Writing Made Easy (WME) and Playing Made Easy (PME) trainings are run for caregivers of children with and/or at
risk for disabilities.

WME targets building knowledge around the development of writing, factors influencing writing and quick tips and
tricks to support writing at home.

PME targets sharing knowledge about play, its characteristics and gives basic strategies for facilitating play at home.

The Team

Payal Shah

Payal Shah

Priti Inje

Priti Inje

Sayali Parab

Sayali Parab

Snehal Talvekar

Snehal Talvekar

Madhura Gharpure

Madhura Gharpure

Sayli Wagnikar

Sayli Wagnikar

Vrushali Kulkarni

Vrushali Kulkarni

Aashlesha Kakde

Aashlesha Kakde

Jayashree Kolhe

Jayashree Kolhe

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